dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2008


Visit By Laura . The URL is http://bylaura1.blogspot.com/

You can find a game of Simpsons Millionari, description of Port Aventura, the song and pictures of Titanic and photos of Laura and her friends

I like it because it the song of titanic is very beautiful

The colours of blog are cute, are pink, is very sweet.

I like this blog!

dilluns, 17 de novembre del 2008

The Alhambra

This picture is The Alhambra.

It's in Granada, Spain.

I went there on holiday two years ago with my parents.
As you can see, there is a big castle with garden, it has got a walls.
I like it because it is of Arabic orgin.

It's very beautiful1!


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