divendres, 13 de febrer del 2009


This presentation is about the vicious circle:

This is the link of presentation.

I took these pictures of presentations from link on February 13th, 2009.

This presentation I took of the book: Imagine English 4 by Colin Granger (2003)

As you can see, there is a vicious circle with pictures of necesities and consecuences of global warming and of the future

dilluns, 2 de febrer del 2009


Sasha and Malia: In the Eye of the Paparazzi

I took this picture from Time Magazine Cnn and link on February 2nd, 2009.
This is a picture of route to an Inauguration event.
It’s in Washington, EEUU.
The Obama's daughter are walking in the picture and paparazzi are taking pictures.

They are happy because they're in Inaguration.

As you can see, there is little girl with her big sister, a lot of paparazzis with cameras.
I like it because the Obama's daughter are very cute girls.

In tabloid math, the only thing better than a picture of a celebrity is a picture of a celebrity with his or her cute kid — or in some cases, just the kid (see Suri Cruise). There's no bigger celebrity at the moment than President Barack Obama, who has already been on the cover of such august political organs as TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly. As luck would have it, Barack and Michelle Obama have two of the cutest — and therefore potentially lucrative — offspring on the planet. Beanie Babies maker Ty has already released Sweet Sasha and Marvelous Malia dolls. So the appetite for stories and photos of the First Daughters is going to be somewhere between huge and crazed. (And no, TIME.com is not immune. See pictures of Sasha and Malia at the Inauguration.)


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