divendres, 20 de març del 2009


I took this picture from BBC NEWS on March 20th, 2009.
The link of the site
This is a picture of Madagascar.
It’s in Africa
The picture is a piece of photo, there is a man. The man is Marc Ravalomanana in the presidential palace.
As you can see, there is a piece of photo through
I don’t like it because the picture reflects the rejection to the president.

The African Union has suspended Madagascar after the army forced out the president and installed the opposition leader in his place.
Southern African leaders say they may impose sanctions on the Indian Ocean island unless legality is restored.
Former colonial power France has also condemned the seizure of power, while the US has suspended some aid.
But Madagascar's acting prime minister rejected growing international criticism of his government.
Although the handover in Madagascar was not a straightforward military seizure of power, an The suspension poses a problem for the African Union because Madagascar is due to hold its next summit meeting in July.
"If they don't comply it will affect the hosting of the summit," Jeffrey Mugumyia, the AU's PSC director said.
"The sooner they comply the better. But anything can happen in the meantime."
France and the US both described the takeover as a coup and the US said it would block non-humanitarian aid. AU official said it had not been constitutional.

dilluns, 16 de març del 2009

Family tree game

Family tree

Go to this web site:


You put the names of various members of the family genealogical tree of these in the appropriate sentence.

Copy the chart on a piece of paper and give it to the teacher. (hey, no cheating allowed!)

Now visit this:

dijous, 12 de març del 2009

Presentation Imagine

I got this text from the imagine book. R. MacAndrew and Colin Granjer.(2003). Imigine 3. Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching.This powerpoint is made with the unit 34 of the imagine book.
I took the pictures from
link then I write the text from imagine book, next I put pictures next to the text, finally I publish the presentation in blogger.
Click this for see my presentation:


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