dijous, 22 de gener del 2009


UK car production drops sharply

I took this picture from BCC News and link on January 22nd, 2009.
This is a picture of store of cars.
It’s in UK.
Cars in the picture are in stock because the people don't buy cars with the

Ass you can see a lot of cars.


The number of new cars produced in the UK in December 2008 fell dramatically, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). December production was 47.5% lower than in the same period in 2007, as plants were shut-down over Christmas. But for the whole 2008, production was down only 5.7%, as earlier in the year it was quite strong.
Earlier in January, SMMT said the number of new cars actually sold in the UK in 2008 fell by 11.3% from 2007.
UK vehicle production figures for 2008 demonstrate both the strength of the sector and the very dramatic fall in demand in the last quarter," SMMT chief executive Paul Everitt said in a statement.

5 comentaris:

ByLaura ha dit...

I like it, but the summary is not complete.

I love Miriam(L)

sergio ha dit...

okay but the text of the explanation is short i did not explain the news

byeee !!!

Xiiion's place ha dit...

yo! Miriiiam!!
whatcha doing?
well.. the piece of news is okay but the summary is not complete but is okay ^^

well see'yaa girl!

my diary ha dit...

Hello miriam!!
How are you?
Your news is good, but I can comment more on your comments photo.
see you!!

One kiss !!

lorena ha dit...

The text is short
the news is interesting
the picture is great


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